Losing users to RNG
I saw this great video clip illustrating binomial distribution and was reminded of a lengthy discussion I had with an engineer colleague while designing a distribution balance for loot drops. I wanted to implement a chance floor mechanic so players would not get too unlucky and he was miffed because he thought it redundant, as "everything regresses to the mean in the long run anyway". It was difficult to convince him and he had to build a simulator before understanding my point. If you set something to drop at a 20% rate per attempt, the long term average would be 5 attempts per acquisition but there would be plenty of individuals who had to make 10 attempts or more. At the extreme, given thousands of individuals, there would probably be some whom had to make 20 or more attempts to acquire said drop. The user population is unlikely to feel this when an "attempt" is very short and frequent, like a 2-3 second kill on an enemy mob with hundreds of instances in a l...